Denmark arrests Russian woman in connection with covert Kremlin legal fund

PET DenmarkA RUSSIAN WOMAN IS under arrest in Denmark, reportedly in connection with a surreptitious legal fund that is allegedly connected to intelligence operations conducted by the Kremlin. The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (PET) said on Tuesday that the Russian national had been detained south of the Danish capital Copenhagen on suspicion of “enabling a foreign intelligence service to operate in Denmark”.

Crucially, the PET press statement noted that the arrest relates to recent reports about a legal defense fund with covert links to the Kremlin, which was uncovered in the press. On June 3, the state-owned Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) published information from 40 leaked documents about an alleged sovereign wealth fund known as Fund for Support and Protection of the Rights of Compatriots Living Abroad (Pravfond).

According to the DR report, Pravfond was set up in secret by the Russian authorities in order to finance the Kremlin’s disinformation campaigns in nearly 50 countries around the world. Pravfond also operates as a legal defense fund for Russian intelligence operatives who have been captured abroad while carrying out intelligence operations. For example, it contributed funds for the legal defense of notorious Russian weapons merchant Viktor Bout and Vadim Krasikov, a Russian assassin who is currently being held in a German prison.

The PET said that the Russian woman would be released following questioning, adding that the investigation into the espionage case would continue. The agency did not name the woman. However, according to reports in the Danish media, she is “a central figure in the Russian community in Denmark”.

Author: Joseph Fitsanakis | Date: 12 June 2024 | Permalink

4 Responses to Denmark arrests Russian woman in connection with covert Kremlin legal fund

  1. Slightly off topic, but relevant to “the Kremlin’s disinformation campaigns”:

    NBC Reports June 13, 2024

    “U.S. intelligence agencies are closely tracking attempts by foreign adversaries to influence the 2024 election through “deepfakes” or other false information and are ready to alert the public if necessary, officials said [June 12, 2024].

    A decision to notify the public about attempted election interference by foreign actors would be up to the leaders of the country’s intelligence agencies, including intelligence chief Avril Haines, officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, or ODNI, told reporters.

    The decision to issue a public warning would follow a review by digital forensic experts and intelligence analysts, the ODNI officials said. It would be based on an assessment of whether the disinformation was serious enough that it “could affect the election outcome,” an official said.

    …But at a media briefing, ODNI officials said a new office created to monitor information operations by foreign enemies has gathered experts from across the country’s intelligence agencies and is holding regular exercises to prepare for the election.

    …Haines, the director of national intelligence, set up the Foreign Malign Influence Center in September 2022, more than two years after Congress ordered its creation following revelations of Russian election interference in the 2016 polls.

    Russia continues to pose the most serious risk for foreign interference in the U.S. election, as it hopes to undermine Western support for Ukraine and weaken American democracy, officials said.

    “We do consider Russia to be our primary threat for this election,” an ODNI official said….”

  2. reserve34 says:

    En tant qu’officier sous-traitant,

    Salut Pete,

    Je conçois assez bien ton point de vue, car nous devons faire progresser l’analyse stratégique en nous appuyant sur l’expertise de tous les éléments du CI pour fournir des avertissements sur les capacités, les intentions et les opérations des adversaires étrangers.

    Voici les rapports et publications de 2016 autour de mon miroir de conscience, Avril Haine. L’une de mes sources ouvertes pourrait t’intéresser puisqu’elle est liée aux objectifs eux-mêmes, suivants : Mon descriptif Pluvier Marocain.

    Je souhaite positionner notre communauté du renseignement dans l’axe de renforcer la concurrence stratégique étrangère. Nous devons constamment améliorer notre capacité à fournir des informations opportunes et précises sur les intentions, les capacités et les actions des concurrents en renforçant les connaissances linguistiques, techniques et culturelles et en utilisant des sources ouvertes, le «big data», l’intelligence artificielle et l’analyse avancée. Cette orientation est conforme aux tendances des dix dernières années en matière de technologie et de renseignement, mais elle doit être mise à jour en fonction des derniers événements autour du Dossier Qatar au Parlement européen.

    Je viens de mettre en avant ce poste, Pete, à traiter dans les descriptifs : CWE / Canal de synchronisation caché. Voici le modèle envoyé à notre ministre directeur du renseignement, Avril Haine, ainsi qu’au Secrétaire de la Défense américaine.

    Pete, que penses-tu de Jessica Brandt, directrice du Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) ? En plus d’être une femme ravissante et intelligente, elle dirige les efforts continus de la communauté du renseignement pour identifier et évaluer l’influence malveillante étrangère dans le cadre d’une approche pangouvernementale visant à protéger nos institutions démocratiques et nos intérêts nationaux contre les actions hostiles de gouvernements étrangers et d’acteurs non étatiques.

    Voici une source et un lien intéressant pour notre descriptif ;
    Rapport 2016, autour de maman,
    En tant qu’officier sous-traitant
    Pascal lembree
    BAT, Pete.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Hi Pascal

    I agree with your arguments.

    Regards Pete

  4. It is interesting that this arrest by Denmark is very much in the area of disinformation funding as a “hybrid challenge” discussed in IntelNews May 6, 2024 article. That article was “German intelligence agencies discuss ongoing espionage and hybrid challenges” at

    So foreign intelligence is much more than intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence and counter-terrorism. There are a broad range of related financial and political matters. This includes disinformation – an aspect of foreign interference in the Denmark-Russia case.

    Disinformation has a long history. Way back in the 1500s a hostile power, eg. Spain, would send agents to England, to spread foreign interference disinformation that England’s monarch, Queen Elizabeth I, was heretical and weak.

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