MI6 chief paid ‘extremely rare’ secret visit to Israel: newspaper

Sir John SawersBy JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org |
The Director of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, widely known as MI6, visited Israel in secret in late August in an effort to convince the Israelis not to launch military strikes on Iran, according to a British newspaper. In an article published on Tuesday, The Daily Mail said Sir John Sawers, who leads Britain’s foremost external spy agency, held private meetings with leading Israeli officials, among them Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak. His message, according to the paper, was that London wanted more time so that the economic and diplomatic sanctions imposed on Iran by the international community to bear fruit. Sanctions are considered by some in the West a viable alternative to calls by Israeli officials for direct military attacks on Iran, aimed at stopping the country’s nuclear program. If confirmed, Sir John’s visit to Israel would represent a near-unprecedented move; this is because, unlike his counterpart at the United States Central Intelligence Agency, the Director of MI6, known informally as ‘C’, does not routinely travel to foreign countries as a diplomatic messenger of the British government. Many, therefore, will see Sawers’ alleged trip to Israel as yet another sign that the Jewish state is beginning to lean heavily in favor of attacking Iran using overt military means. In a possibly related development, Israel’s Minister for Intelligence and Atomic Energy said on Wednesday that he supported international sanctions on Iran. Speaking before the Israeli Knesset, Dan Meridor said that there are “many signs […] that Iran is in distress from the sanctions”. He added that, although non-military efforts aimed at preventing the feared nuclearization of Iran’s arsenal “have not been a complete success”, they “have not yet failed completely”, and he called for their continuation. The Daily Mail said it asked several government sources for public confirmation of John Sawers’ secret trip, including the Office of the British Prime Minister, the British embassy in Tel Aviv, as well as representatives of the Israeli Prime Minister. All, however, refused comment. One anonymous British security source told the paper that London “would never discuss [John Sawers’] travel plans or the reasons for it [sic]”.

5 Responses to MI6 chief paid ‘extremely rare’ secret visit to Israel: newspaper

  1. Cvet says:

    It’s about time we hit Iran. There’s many different options,including an EMP strike. We must act, Iran must not get nuclear weapons !!!

  2. Natasha says:

    On the grapevine.

    Fully aware – that if/when the Israeli Fascist grouping (IDF(minority) כּוּד‎ HaLikud, etc) begin to further op towards Iran. US-Russia-China-France-UK will more fully implement their current blocking Op against Israel.

    Goes without saying that all of the sanctions imposed on Iran will be switched instead to Israel.

    This is a P5 mil-intel Op totally outside UN but supported by UN.

    Measures against Israel will include total “P5” electronic reverse Israel Suter nullification-jamming before, during, after launch/takeoff/deployment of Israeli aircraft, BMs, cruise, Dolphin (totally tracked already – heard of SOSUS and friends?) mil-intel and Mossad illegals, in and outside Iran, teams also penetrated/wired.

    Combined P5 sigint, satellite, SOSUS tracking already running.

    All Arab Govs, Iran etc have been prepped as have NYT, WashPost, Pravda, UK Times, Onside-Wikileaks etc, many/most Israeli/Jewish mainstream-media..

    Except for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likud and further rightwingers –
    Worldwide Gov/P5 backing of protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have already been organised, funded, social networked, Twittered, and will be defended in many ways if necessary.

    Concerted already agreed P5 program towards Palestine close to implementation IF neo Fascist-Blitzkriegers in IsGov (centering on Netanyahu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Netanyahu#First_Prime_Ministership:_1996.E2.80.9399 and henchmen) even think about upcoming Isreali strike on Iran particularly around US Pres Elec timetable or B4hand.

    Israeli action expected Nov 2012-March 2013 or sooner.

    IsGov slaughter of 1,000 innocents in Gaza during previous US Prez Elect Timetable was anticipated by West 2 years beforehand…

    We here in US hear/see your Cabinet, War Rooms, Plans – all over.

    Obviously there will be NO 1973 bailout when things are going to go wrong,

    Then there is Stuxnet-Blue, Flame-Concertina, and unmentionables….

    Key Isreali-diaspora NTK types.. with/are us.

    Not a threat against People of Israel (just against Netanyahu http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Netanyahu#First_Prime_Ministership:_1996.E2.80.9399 because we are them

  3. TFH says:

    Time for Israel to retire Dimona, that gesture would go a long way.

  4. Hebrew Hammer says:

    That is crazy Natasha. Maybe you should stick to chasing Rocky & Bullwinkle.

  5. Natasha says:

    As if Hammer –

    “Old employer” שירות הביטחון הכללי‎ hates what Netanyahu-Likud are doing to Israeli-US bilateral.


    anti-Likud over Likud neo-Fascism.

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